The Plain Bagel

Prominent Short Seller Charged With Market Manipulation

Why I Don't Do YouTube Full-Time

Investment Analyst Reacts to Finance TikToks - Part 7

Is the S&P 500 Too Concentrated?

What Just Happened With GameStop?

Dark Pools Explained - How Institutional Investors Utilize Off-Exchange Trading

The Fake Petrodollar Story - No, Saudi Arabia Didn’t Ditch the Dollar

Canada's Controversial Capital Gains Tax Change

Ranking the Best Bagels in New York!

Bank Financial Advisors Are Giving Bad Advice

What Constitutes Market Manipulation? Featuring @LegalEagle

I Interviewed The Prime Minister of Canada on Housing and the Economy

Investing STILL Won't Make You Rich (Probably)

Stock Multiples: How to Tell When a Stock is Cheap/Expensive

The Passive Income Scam

Covered Calls Explained - The Cost of Income

Dividends Are Irrelevant (Sort Of...)

How I Research Stocks - Step-by-Step Fundamental Analysis

My Favorite Professional Finance YouTubers

Time to Come Clean (April Fools Video)

Why Investors Love Dividends (And Why They Can Be Dangerous)

What Exactly Are Hedge Funds (And Why Are They Always Causing Problems)?

The Truth About FIRE - Is Early Retirement Actually Possible?

Influencer Marketing is Ruining the Investment Industry